Stewardship of Talent 10/25/09
Talent…..I always thought of it as belonging to a few lucky people who were specially gifted in things like music, sports, or academics. But experience has made me redefine my understanding of talent. Experience has shown me that talent is the expression of one’s ordinary but unique abilities offered as a gift to others. Let me explain.
My wife and I had just returned from an afternoon of Christmas shopping and discovered our phone message light blinking and beeping with 15 messages. It was the news that all parents dread. The messages were from friends and relatives back in Richmond, Virginia repeating the awful message- “Your daughter has been in a bad automobile accident and is in a coma….come right away!”
We immediately went into crisis mode….made phone calls to our work to say we would be gone, booked the next flight available, called and left messages with the church and friends asking for prayer. We were set to leave when it dawned on us that we had made no arrangements for our two beloved but crotchety old cats. In the scheme of things, this may not sound like a big deal….but our flight was leaving in a few hours and there was no time to arrange for boarding them. Unexpectedly, a gentle offer was made….a member of First Pres, who didn’t really know us at that time, called to say that she liked cats and would be happy to take that worry from us. She would be happy to not only feed and care for them….but she would enjoy playing with them. Faithfully, for the next 6 weeks, while we were at the hospital in Virginia with our daughter, this amazing person quietly and faithfully came twice a day to care for our cats. What a blessing and what a relief! She had a unique talent….one that few others have….that she she offered as a wonderful gift to us. What a good steward she was and her talent was multiplied into an amazing blessing to us.
While those with more spectacular talents receive much recognition and appreciation…..I can’t help but believe that God treasures and values the faithful stewardship of those who may never receive applause or prizes but who use their unique and ordinary talents in His service. Over the years in this church, our family has been encouraged, cared for, and nurtured by many faithful stewards who have offered their ordinary talents as a gift to us. People have provided meals, sent notes and messages, offered their prayers, and babysat. This is not glamorous stewardship….but it is truly what stewardship of talent means….using our unique gifts to serve others and God. I can tell you that these meals, prayers, visits, and babysitting were like manna….a tangible reminder of God’s presence in painful life experiences.
Stewardship of talent begins with honest self-evaluation of our unique gifts and abilities and is followed by exploration of how we can find ways to offer these for God’s purposes. No talent is too small. Most of us will not be singing solos or preaching sermons …..but we all have abilities that we can offer to serve others. Your gifts might be writing notes of encouragement, praying for those who are struggling with life challenges, preparing a meal to bring to a family needing help, serving a meal at PAD’s, helping out in the nursery, or even, yes, caring for the cats of a family in crisis.
What is stewardship of talents? Stewardship is offering your abilities to God and trusting that he will use them to care for his people. Whether you talents are grand and spectacular or, like most of us, ordinary and quiet…..God can use them. After the service, in the Gathering area…you can find information sheets detailing the many opportunities where your talents are needed and valued. In 2 weeks, on Stewardship Sunday, you will have a chance to formally commit your talent for God to use when you complete the commitment cards that will be collected that day.
God has given each of us unique skills which can make a difference in the lives of others. My challenge to you is to find an outlet for your talent right here at First Pres and then commit to being a faithful steward of that talent. God will multiply that talent many fold and make it a blessing to others. What will you do with your talent?

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace.
I Peter 4:10